
May 5, 2024

From Shadow IT to Business-Led IT: A Strategic Paradigm Shift

Shadow SaaS challenges traditional IT and SaaS processes but also opens the door to a more dynamic and competitive enterprise. While shadow IT can feel like a backdoor undermining our security protocols, employee-initiated SaaS demonstrates the innovative spirit of our workforce seeking to optimize their productivity. The big question is, how can an organization move from shadow IT risks to a culture of employee empowerment?

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May 5, 2024

From Shadow IT to Business-Led IT: A Strategic Paradigm Shift

Shadow SaaS challenges traditional IT and SaaS processes but also opens the door to a more dynamic and competitive enterprise. While shadow IT can feel like a backdoor undermining our security protocols, employee-initiated SaaS demonstrates the innovative spirit of our workforce seeking to optimize their productivity. The big question is, how can an organization move from shadow IT risks to a culture of employee empowerment?

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May 5, 2024

From Shadow IT to Business-Led IT: A Strategic Paradigm Shift

Shadow SaaS challenges traditional IT and SaaS processes but also opens the door to a more dynamic and competitive enterprise. While shadow IT can feel like a backdoor undermining our security protocols, employee-initiated SaaS demonstrates the innovative spirit of our workforce seeking to optimize their productivity. The big question is, how can an organization move from shadow IT risks to a culture of employee empowerment?

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Gain a complete view of your SaaS usage—including shadow SaaS and rogue cloud accounts—from an identity-centric viewpoint. See how Grip can improve the security of your enterprise.