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ServiceNow Integration


Grip’s integration with ServiceNow enables security, risk, and IT teams to apply and extend automation to shadow SaaS services, mitigate identity sprawl, and remove compliance validations — all the benefits of the ServiceNow platform extended to the SaaS traditionally out of reach.

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Extend IT Workflows to Shadow SaaS.

Shadow SaaS Lifecycle Management
Implement end-to-end lifecycle management and governance for shadow SaaS with the Grip SaaS Security Control Plane
Capture Shadow SaaS in CMDB
Add shadow SaaS apps to ServiceNow CMDB and identify unused or inactive licenses to reclaim. Leverage Grip insights with ServiceNow Flows to gain information on the use, access methods and business justification.
Shadow SaaS Alerts
Grip identifies high-risk unmanaged, unfederated SaaS services and provides alerts that automatically trigger risk mitigation actions via workflows in ServiceNow. Update software asset management with continuous discovery of new accounts, users, login events, and access methods. controls, and offboarding/decommissioning.

See Grip, the leading SaaS discovery tool, live.

Gain a complete view of your SaaS usage—including shadow SaaS and rogue cloud accounts—from an identity-centric viewpoint. See how Grip can improve the security of your enterprise.